I had an emergency trip to Puerto Galera last week i havent been there in 2 years so i was so excited about it. my friend ela went there first then i follow on sunday morning. there are lot of changes starting from the port its more organize now not to mention the x-ray machine they have a very convenient way to check out luggage and no more unauthorized people inside the port asking you to do this,do that can i bring this etc etc. the only hassle i experience was when i rode this boat to white beach, i arrive at the Batangas port at 11 am and most of the boat are already leaving next trip will be 11:15 to 11:30 i was so excited and i don't feel like staying at the port for a about 15 mins so i decided to take the 11 am trip with this Father n Son Lines and i tell you its a waste of time the trip was supposed to be less or at least an hour but mine was an exhausting 2 and half hours. they didn't tell us that they are not going directly to white beach instead they will dock first to the port of Muelle then transfer you on another boat that will bring you to white Beach. i was having BF the moment i transfer to the next boat going to white beach then it all gone when i saw the beautiful island again. i arrive at around 1pm then went straight ahead to the VM Resort next to White Beach Resort its 2 of the best place to stay in the island. after eating our lunch what else to do but hit the crystal clear water of white beach. we are feeling kinda sporty that afternoon so we decided to do the banana boat and we did have fun. after the banana boat and swimming went back to our room took a nap and prepare for the evening. i wake up at around 6 pm went to the internet cafe then hit the bar for some warm up drinks. then cameback to the room and ask ela and the gang if they want to eat dinner. after dinner its party time. im telling you guys Puerto Galera is one of the best place to party in the Philippines the party was just nonstop not to mention the funny ladyboys entertainers and delicious drinks. such as mindoro sling and ware house. i woke up at around 9 hit the beach then we are on our way home at around 1 pm. yes its a very short trip but i really have a goodtime like i had in the past.
Getting There:
Puerto Galera is 3hrs away from Metro Manila. for the non adventurous tourist you can take the Sikat Tourist Service at the City State Tower on Mabini St. Manila at 8 am with a roundtrip ticket cost around 25$ includes bus fare and ferry transfer. and if your feeling a bit adventurous and wanna explore a lil bit of the city there are several bus terminals going to puerto you can try the buendia station,cubao and alabang.
Where To Stay
Click Here
Photo Gallery Of Puerto Galera
Puerto Galera Yacht Club at Muelle
Islands Along the way
A Very Beautiful House on the Island
The Main Beach
The Beautiful and Funny Ladyboys of White Beach
The Girls Of Hiyas Bar
Beautiful Diane
Dancing Girls of Tipsynaku Bar
Exotic Beauty
A Good Friend of Mine John
The Very Funny Joan and Michelle of Hiyas Bar
Jonah The Superstar of Hiyas Bar
Mikos Bar
So Pretty Eh
Morning Scene at White Beach
My Favorite Spot
The Bars Undergoing Some Construction
Tipsynaku Bar
My Fave Hangout Hiyas Bar
Monday, January 28, 2008
Trip To Puerto Galera
Posted by
2:59 PM
Labels: Beaches, Destination, Diving, Hotels, Islands, Party, Puerto Galera, Resorts
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I love to travel and was a free spirit during my college days just hopping on a bus and a boat with friends, a backpack and my old Ricoh SLR (now in my personal museum, hehe) and a sketchbook. I miss those days... the places, the culture, the surprises, and the girls that comes along. hehe. Now with family and a job that ties you down most of the days I just travel on holidays and when sent to official company visits.
Love the beach photos.
I need a vacation!!
WOW! Sa puerto galera ba ito? Nakapunta na ako Dyan kaya lang long time ago na mga 8 yrs na cguro yon, tagal na, hindi ko na yata natatanda-an don eh...mag refresh ako pag maka uwi hehehehe.
Ang gaganda talaga nang beach sa Pilipinas sobra na miss ko na. Thanks for sharing!
WOW! It seems Puerto Galera is the place to go! You surely had great fun there... ;))
nice nice! captivating. haven't been there.
My former girlfriend let me explore this freaky crazy white party beach in Puerto Galera on Mindoro Island, Philippines.
There I got to know my girlfriend at Mikko's bar...
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